I've talked a little bit about how I got started writing (see my first post if you missed it!) but honestly, one of the biggest motivators of my writing has been my dear daddy. As many of y'all know, I lost my dad to Early Onset Alzheimer's disease on December 9, 2012 at 10:15 on a Sunday morning. He was forty-six and I was seventeen.
What is perhaps lesser known is how symbiotic the relationship between writing and losing him has been in my life. I started my writing career the fall he moved out of our house and into a veteran's assisted living home. Anyone who has been through grief will tell you that they found an "outlet" as it's often called, a place to channel their thoughts and feelings for the basic reason that otherwise, they would totally explode. It's important-no one wants people guts everywhere, so we channel. For me, that outlet was writing. I kept a diary of sorts through poems and short essays of the journey of losing Daddy which has now become a poetic memoir in progress.
So here is the mission statement of sorts to that memoir, the opening poem that kicks off a journey full of tears and joys and songs. I'll share bits and pieces of this memoir (and actually already have) but I thought it would be appropriate to share my heart for writing before we conquer the next 1/3 of the project!
(Also I hate reading about people and not knowing what they look like. I know, weird pet peeve, but we've all got our things. So, just in case there's someone out there like me, enjoy a pic of my sweet dad and me.)
Also also, I apologize for this mammoth of a post, 10 points if you made it all the way through!. :)
don’t know when exactly we started saying this blessing to each other,
momma, daddy, and I.
Daddy got sick, I assume.
the goodbyes started, probably.
there were the years he was sick,
then there was the year he was dying.
think I missed him more when he was here
loved him most when he was leaving.
ironic, really.
told me I should start saying goodbye
time we left him.
hard, goodbye like you’re not supposed to know
every time,
took his face in my hands
whispered the Old Testament blessing…
“The Lord bless you and keep you;
The Lord make His face shine upon you,
And be gracious to you;
The Lord lift up His countenance upon you,
And give you peace.”’
did the “list of lasts” one after the other:
his hair, brush it back,
against his chest-remember just
his t-shirt smells and tap your toes
the tune of the heartbeat that was your lullaby,
the hands that held you,
him you love him, you love him, you love him.
said goodbye like this every Saturday for
one week,
but he held on.
but he held on.
then Momma called me
said he was gone
and all of the sudden,
goodbye changes,
goodbye changes,
because he’s got his
so you have to find
I’m not saying it works
for everyone.
Actually, I’m sure
or nature
or sleep
suits others better,
but I just had to write.
beautiful, simply beautiful. thank you for sharing your soul - prayers for you all, sweet girl. pax!
ReplyDeleteearlier comment was from anthony's wife, not anthony, sorry! =)
ReplyDeleteKate, your heart is as big as the ones who raised you. Do not fear that your dad does not know what quality you possess and how you are sharing your gifts with us all. God bless you with continued blessings. I love you, Teetay :)
ReplyDeleteThis is so beautiful. I'm crying right now. I'm so sorry you lost your daddy, but you seem like such a strong woman and I'm so inspired by your ability to transcend your grief and put it into writing.
ReplyDeleteThank you all for giving my words a place to land. It means the world to me to get to share my daddy's story. -K.S.
ReplyDeleteKate, thank you for letting my into your heartfelt love for your father. I miss my daddy too. I love that you said "I loved him more as he was leaving." I felt so strange at how much I loved my father after he left. An all encompassing love that burst through my heart.... Thank you